Procured from a boutique called Twisted Muse. I thought the packaging was interesting, though incongruous (Boston???). The shop owner actually gets the bracelets from Montreal (not really sure who makes 'em). Anyway, I stupidly thought it was some sort of door charm until she told me that it was a bracelet. The Hamsa hand is meant to protect the wearer from the evil eye. Function aside, I thought it just looked pretty (for lack of a better word) and reminded me of a friend. I hope she likes it!
Friday, October 29, 2010
the evil eye
Procured from a boutique called Twisted Muse. I thought the packaging was interesting, though incongruous (Boston???). The shop owner actually gets the bracelets from Montreal (not really sure who makes 'em). Anyway, I stupidly thought it was some sort of door charm until she told me that it was a bracelet. The Hamsa hand is meant to protect the wearer from the evil eye. Function aside, I thought it just looked pretty (for lack of a better word) and reminded me of a friend. I hope she likes it!