Notre fameux Steak-frites
Entrecôte nappée de sauce (Dingue ou Poivrade ou Champignons), frites allumettes et mayo maison
Côtes levées « du Breton » fumées maison au bois d’érable
Servies avec pelures de pommes de terre, mayonnaise harissa et salade César
Taken when we ate at Le Cochon Dingue (Quebec). Note: I can't speak French. Being the poser that I am, I just had to post the French descriptions. It's pretty clear what the dishes are, anyway. Food was pretty tasty, although my steak was overcooked (que horror!) Oh, and I love the way they designed their menu. Check it out HERE.
EDIT: I love that they served the fries with mayo. Well duh, obviously they would, haha. I need to make garlic mayo, stat!
menu source: Le Cochon Dingue